The Qualimix resource hub is run by Rosalind Edwards, Ann Berrington and Susie Weller. We are all part of the international YouthLife project and affiliated to the National Centre for Research Methods, UK.
Professor Rosalind Edwards
Rosalind is Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology at the University of Southampton, where she is also attached to the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. She is a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences, and a founding and co-editor of the International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Rosalind has researched and published widely in the areas of family life and policies, as well as studying and writing about research methods. She has directed a 5-year programme of research projects on families and social capital and was a co-director on the groundbreaking ESRC qualitative longitudinal research project, Timescapes. In collaboration with other NCRM members, she has developed a unique methodology – the breadth-and-depth method – for working with large amounts of qualitative data. Rosalind has excellent experience of capacity building through online and in-person delivery of research methods courses, nationally and internationally.
Professor Ann Berrington
Ann is Professor and Joint Head of Department of Demography and Social Statistics at the University of Southampton and leads the Fertility and Family strand of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centre for Population Change (CPC) at Southampton. Her research interests concern transitions to adulthood, partnership and family formation and dissolution, and how these are associated with socio-economic inequalities across the life course. Over the past decades she has worked with many different types of longitudinal data, particularly those from the national birth cohort studies and large longitudinal household panel surveys. Ann has taught a number of courses on Methods for Longitudinal Data Analysis. She is currently PI for an ESRC-CPC project examining Partnership Dynamics in the context of economic and housing uncertainty, and Co-PI on an ESRC-funded project on Understanding and Projecting Fertility Trends in the UK. She is an invited member of the Office for National Statistics Expert Group for National Population Projections, the ESRC Strategic Advisory Group, and the ESRC Expert Group on Data, Methods and Infrastructure.
Dr Susie Weller
Susie is a Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Ethics, Law and Society at the Universities of Oxford and Southampton, UK. She is also affiliated to the National Centre for Research Methods and is an Honorary Researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Susie has 20 years’ experience of conducting research with children, youth, and families. She has expertise in qualitative longitudinal research (QLR), creative, participatory, and remote methods, and qualitative secondary analysis. Susie has led and/or worked on a range of QLR projects, including a 12-year study of young people’s trajectories to adulthood as part of the ESRC Timescapes initiative. Currently, she is a senior researcher on the YouthLife programme, the Ethical Preparedness in Genomic Medicine programme; Co-Investigator of TeC-19, an international study of teenagers in COVID-19 times; and senior advisor on Bukhali, a study of women’s journeys to motherhood in Soweto, South Africa. With colleagues, she pioneered a new breadth-and-depth method for large-scale qualitative secondary analysis and co-founded the Big Qual Analysis Resource Hub.