Weller, S. (2017) Digging deep! The archaeological metaphor helping researchers get into Big Qual. National Centre for Research Methods podcast series.
Edwards, R. and Weller, S. (2021) I-poems / Poemas del yo: A method of analysing subjectivity in qualitative data (notes from a workshop). In J.I. Rivas (Ed.) Investigación transformativa e inclusiva en el ámbito social y educativo. Transformative and Inclusive Social and Educational Research. Barcelona: Octaedro, pp. 171-190.
Edwards, R., Davidson, E., Jamieson, L., and Weller, S. (2020) Theory and the breadth-and-depth method of analysing large amounts of qualitative data: a research note. Quality and Quantity, 55: 1275–1280
Davidson, E., Edwards, R., Jamieson, L., and Weller, S. (2019) Big data, qualitative style: a breadth-and-depth method for working with large amounts of secondary qualitative data. Quality and Quantity, 53(1): 363-376.
Weller, S., Edwards, R., Jamieson, L., and Davidson, E. (2019) Search strategies: analytic searching across multiple datasets and within combined sources. In K. Hughes, and A. Tarrant (Eds.), Qualitative Secondary Analysis SAGE Publications.
Weller, S., Edwards, R., Jamieson, L., and Davidson, E. (2019) Analysing large volumes of complex qualitative data: Reflections from a group of international experts. National Centre for Research Methods.
Edwards, R. and Weller, S. (2012) Shifting analytic ontology: using I-poems in qualitative longitudinal research. Qualitative Research, 12(2): 202-217.